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Home Sign Up
  • Whats's Your Name?

    Altough we love nicnames, Please use your leagal name.

  • What's Your Email Address?

    We respect Your Inbox. Your email is only for logging in and important account updates.

  • What's Your Phone Number?

    We'll send you a secret code toverify this number.

  • What's Your Address?

    We use Apaca Securities, a trusted partner, to open your investment account. Like a bank, your address is required for verification.

  • What's Your Date of Birth?

    Must be 18 years or older to use HexaWall Account.

  • What's Your Social Security Number?

    Must be 18 years or older to use HexaWall Account.

  • Recharge Your Wallet Balance.

    You Must diposite minimum $20 to use HexaWall Account.

  • Agree and Submit

    By pressing the submit buton You Agree to all our privacy policy.

Whats's Your Name?

Altough we love nicnames, Please use your leagal name.

Whats's Your Email Address?

We respect Your Inbox. Your email is only for logging in and important account updates.

Phone Number
Whats's Your Phone Number?

We'll send you a secret code to verify this number.

What's Your Address?

We use Apaca Securities, a trusted partner, to open your investment account. Like a bank, your address is required for verification.

What's Your Date of Birth?

Must be 18 years or older to use HexaWall Account.

What's Your Social Security Number?

Must be citezen of United States of America to use HexaWall Account.

Recharge Your Wallet Balance.

You Must diposite minimum $20 to use HexaWall Account.

Agree And Submit

By pressing the submit buton You Agree to all our Privacy Policy